60-Second Practice: "In Your Car"

Getting in a vehicle to drive to a destination becomes habitual. There are habits and patterns of behavior that occur without consciously thinking about them. Seatbelt. Turn key. Apply Brake. Put car in Drive. Let off Brake. Press accelerator.

These actions are done without thinking: autopilot.

This mindful practice can do a couple of things––teach you how much time you really have (60 seconds can feel like an eternity for some), and help you recognize the antsy, demanding voice in our head that may be trained to say, "Let's GO, GO GO!"

Often the mind is already at work planning and preparing before the body ever arrives.

The goal of this practice is to purposefully disrupt the autopilot of going-to-work-on-monday-morning-mode and practice presence.


Before you turn on the engine of your vehicle, sit for one minute in your car being mindful. 

  • Sit still.
  • (Close your eyes if you want.)
  • Listen. What do you hear? (Don’t label it, just listen.)
  • Feel your body where it meets the seat.
  • Feel your heart beat from the inside.
  • Look around. What do you see? (Don’t label, just look.)
  • Be fully aware without judging anything. 
  • You have all the time in the world for 60 seconds.
  • There is no rush to get there. Be here. 
  • You are present and well.

Now start your engine and enjoy the pause you can carry within you.

Assignment: Complete the practice.

Connect: Using one emoji, and comment below how this experience was for you. You might name it: "How I felt about 60-seconds of mindfulness in the car."

Complete and Continue  